
What is power electronics?

Power electronic devices are those devices which can control a large amount of power with the help of smart electronics
·         power electronics deals with electronics for control and conversion of large amount  of electrical power
·         the major component of power electronics circuit is the thirstier which operating as a fast switching semiconductor and it function is to modulate the power in AC and DC system

Note: some time power electronics devices is called thyristerised power controller


  • 1.       It has high efficiency due to low loss in power semiconductor devices.
  • 2.       High reliability of power electronic converter.
  • 3.       Fast dynamic response of the power electronic system as compare to electronics mechanical convertor system.
  • 4.       It has small size and less weight.


  • 1.       Power electronic has a tendency to generate g=harmonic in the system (load side as well as source).
  • 2.       AC to DC and AC to AC converter operates at a very low input power factor. In order to avoid the low power factor we have to use some special equipment.
  • 3.       Regeneration of power is not possible in case of power electronics circuit.
  • 2.       AC to DC and AC to AC converter operates at a very low input power factor. In order to avoid the low power factor we have to use some special equipment.
  • 3.       Regeneration of power is not possible in case of power electronics circuit.


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