
Arduino - Arithmetic Operators

Assume variable A holds 10 and variable B holds 20 then −
Operator name Operator simple Description Example
assignment operator = Stores the value to the right of the equal sign in the variable to the left of the equal sign. A = B
addition + Adds two operands A + B will give 30
subtraction - Subtracts second operand from the first A - B will give -10
multiplication * Multiply both operands A * B will give 200
division / Divide numerator by denominator B / A will give 2
modulo % Modulus Operator and remainder of after an integer division B % A will give 0


void loop () {
   int a = 9,b = 4,c;
   c = a + b;
   c = a - b;
   c = a * b;
   c = a / b;
   c = a % b;


a + b = 13
a - b = 5
a * b = 36
a / b = 2
Remainder when a divided by b = 1


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