
Why is a color code used for resistors?

There are many different types of Resistors available which can be used in both electrical and electronic circuits to control the flow of current or to produce a voltage drop in many different ways. But to do this, the actual resistor needs to have some form of “resistive” or “resistance” value. Resistors are available in a range of different resistance values from fractions of an Ohm ( Ω ) to millions of Ohms. Obviously, it...

Why Birds don't get electric shock while sitting on transmission lines?

Current flows in a loop (which means the circuit is closed). A bird sitting on a transmission line does not complete the circuit. If the same bird keeps one leg on one track and another leg (or any part of its body) on another line(or the neutral points), then it will get roasted. Consider this circuit where a bird sits on the wire: The values R1 and R2 are resistances of the line. Electricity takes the path of least resistance. The two legs...

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