


  • It is a 8-bit microprocessor
  •  Manufactured with N-MOS technology
  •  40 pin IC package
  •  It has 16-bit address bus and thus has 216 = 64 KB addressing capability.
  •  Operate with 3 MHz single-phase clock
  •  +5 V single power supply
The logic pin layout and signal groups of the 8085nmicroprocessor are shown in Fig. 6. All the signals are classified into six groups:
  • Address bus
  •  Data bus
  •  Control & status signals
  •  Power supply and frequency signals
  •  Externally initiated signals
  •  Serial I/O signals
                                                    Fig.1- 8085 microprocessor pin layout

Intel 8085 Microprocessor architecture

Intel 8085 is a 8-bit microprocessor. It was the most successful 8-bit microprocessor. Here is an overview of this.
In 8085 there are mainly three components:
1) Arithmetic and Logical Unit(ALU)
2) Control Unit(CU)
3) Registers

1. ALU performs the arithmetic and logical operations like Add, Sub, Increment, Decrement, OR, AND, Complement etc. ALU uses the accumulator to hold the first operand and after operation accumulator holds the result. Second operand is stored within the temporary register.
Another registrer called Flag register is associated with the ALU. Flag registershows the status of result after arithmetic or logical operation.
Flag is a 8-bit register out of that 5 shows the status and the remainig five bits are undefined. The five flags are as follows:
1. Carry flag: if after the arithmetic operation a carry is generated, Carry flag becomes 1 otherwaise the value is zero.
2. Parity flag: Parity bit is used for error detection in data. 8085 uses even parity method for error detection. If the number of ones in result are even parity flag becomes, othewase one.
3. Auxillary carry flag: if a carry is generated fron lower nibble(A3-A0) towards the higher nibble(A7-A4) than Auxirry carry becomes one otherwase the value is zero.this flag is used in case of BCD operations.
4. Zero flag: This flag tells that wether contents of register are zero or non zero? If zero flag is set(1) that means register contents are zero.
5. Sign flag: the value of this flag is equal to the MSB of accumulator. In case signed arithmetic it shows the sign of result i.e. possitve or negative. If sign flag is set than result is negative otherwase the result is possitive.

Block Diagram of Intel 8085 Microprocessor

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